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Reception Week 2

Dear Parents and Carers,

On our main year group page, we have added links to useful resources and web pages that will support you and your children through this time. Click to be taken to this page.

Alongside this, we will be populating  tasks for children to complete at home. These will also be shared on Class Dojo.

Suggested Reception Timetable Week 2


English Day 1

Watch an animal at a zoo or farm on a live camera.

Draw a picture of the animal and write a sentence to say what the animal was doing.

Remember capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

Word of the day: roaming ( walking around but not having anywhere special to go)


Maths Day 1

Count all the windows in your house. Now count the doors.

Do you have more windows or more doors?

Practise writing numbers.


Independent task Day 1

Tidy your bedroom.


Physical activity Day 1

Play tig with your family.


English Day 2

Practise phonics using your sound mat in your pack or by watching and joining in the phonics sounds 1 or sounds 2

on you tube.–E

Practise writing the letter sounds you know.

Word of the day: glimpse (when you see something for a very short time or you only see a small part of something)


Maths Day 2

Draw some circles on paper or the back of a cereal packet. Colour some and leave others plain. Use these to make a number sentence.

_____ +  ______ = _____


Independent task Day 2

Make a sandwich.


Physical task Day 2

Put your music on and dance to it.


English Day 3

Make a list of all the animals you would like to see if you went to a zoo. You could draw them too.

Word of the day: enable (to help you to do something)


Maths Day 3

Ask a grown up in your house for some coins to look at. Can you name all the coins?

(1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1, £2)


Physical activity Day 3

Put some small toys in a box/basket on one side of the room or outside. Run across the room to take one toy at a time and put them at your starting point. Then one at a time put them pack in the box. How fast can you do it?


English Day 4

Do you remember the book “Dear Zoo”? You can watch and hear it read here

Watch it a second time and join in with the words.

Word of the day: adorable (cute)


Maths Day 4

How many feet in your house? You have 2. Now you need to count all the others.

Find something to help you count like pasts, toy bricks, sticks, coins or counters from a game.


Physical activity Day 4

Jump on the spot (downstairs) for as long as you can. How long did you manage?

What happened to your body? Did you get hot?

Independent activity Day 4

Dust a room in your house.


English Day 5

Remember Dear Zoo from yesterday?

Can you think of another animal they could send you? What would be wrong with it?

Make your own book page like the ones in Dear Zoo.

Word of the day: particularly (very)

Maths Day 5

Draw some animals from the Dear Zoo story. How many feet does each animal have? Choose 3 animals and add up how many feet they have altogether.


R.E. Day 5

Watch the video to find out about how Christians celebrate Easter. Talk about it with your grown up.

The Academy at St James - Aspire, Achieve, Believe
