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The Academy at St James

Eco - Council

Last year’s Eco-council worked extremely hard to achieve the Green Flag Award. They met every second week and came up with some wonderful ideas to make our school more eco-friendly. As a group they completed numerous litter picks, not just in our school grounds but also in the wider community. They delivered assemblies to inform the rest of the school of their plans and achievements and arranged for every child in school to plant a tree. In addition they identified links with eco-schools within our curriculum and carried out regular audits to check that the rest of the school were working together to reduce energy usage and waste.

This year, our new eco-council have carried on their amazing work and are aiming to renew our Green Flag Award. They have planted wild flowers to support wildlife and have once again been out into the local community to help to tidy it up.

Clean Air Event

Our Year 5 and 6 members attended a clean air event and as part of a trust wide initiative the school now has solar panels. 

 The children have given up their own time to support with eco-schools and they are doing an incredible job.