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The Academy at St James


At the Academy St James we take the safeguarding of all our pupils, staff and visitors extremely seriously.

We have a duty of care to ensure all our children are safe, we do this by making sure that everyone who comes into the building is suitable for working with children.  We also work hard to minimise the risk in the grounds and building.

If we have concerns about the safety of any children we follow the procedures set out in the Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy. This policy explains how we would deal with any issue if we think children may not be safe, including the steps we would take if we felt children were not safe at home.

You can read the Policy on our Policies page

Our designated Safeguarding Team

Our designated Safeguarding Team is made of the following key staff members;

Rebecca Oxley – Designated Safeguarding Lead

Chris Tolson – Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Ruthi Thompson – Deputy Safeguarding Lead

If we feel that a child is at risk of harm we have a duty of care to report this to Bradford Children’s Services.

Our designated teacher for looked after and previously looked after children is Mrs Harrison.

Our Safeguarding Team (ID 1171)


Keeping Children Safe in Education is the statutory guidance produced by the Department of Education (DfE)

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024.pdf


If you have concerns please contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead – Rebecca Oxley in confidence. 

Tel: 01274 777095

Email: rebecca.oxley@stjames.bdat-academies.org


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Let us know why you need to get in touch


You can report any concerns you have directly to Children’s Services.

Children’s Initial Contact Point

Tel: 01274 437500  (Monday to Friday: 8.30am – 5pm)

Outside of these times, contact the Emergency Duty Team

Tel: 01274 431010.

Safer Bradford

For more information on safeguarding children in our district, follow the link to Safer Bradford.

Safer Bradford