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The Academy at St James

Our School

The Academy at St. James is a one form entry, co-educational school and nursery provision for children aged 2 years to 11 years.

Each class has at least one full time teacher (or equivalent) and learning support staff who are present to help all children achieve specific learning goals as directed by the teacher.

A Faith school

The Academy at St. James is a diocesan sponsored multi-faith academy.  We are committed to the education and welfare of the children in our care and together we have identified what makes our school distinctive.

  • Our success is based on strong and welcoming links between school, home, church and the community.
  • We give high priority to the spiritual development of all within our community.
  • Our Faith School is distinguished by the special character of its religious education and Christian worship. Within this it teaches an understanding of and a respect of all faiths.
  • Christian values are built into our ethos and teaching.

Our school enables children to develop and grow with confidence and will ensure positive memories and lasting benefits that will remain forever.