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The Academy at St James

Financial Support

Advice and Support in Bradford

Bradford has a variety of resources to provide as much help and support as possible through the cost-of-living and other issues.
Help with cost of living | Bradford Council

Provides advice on a variety of topics including energy and debt

Citizens Advice

Debt solutions and services to suit different needs.

StepchangeEnergy advice

National Energy Action (NEA)National energy support

Centre for Sustainable EnergyFunding and grant applications

Turn2usMental health support

ShoutWellbeing and mental health support

Is This OK?Wellbeing and mental health support for adults

MindSupport with cost-of-living, debt and benefits

MoneyHelperSupport with debt and benefits as well as wellbeing and general support for older individuals

Age UKYou may be able to get it if you’re on a low income, out of work or you cannot work

Universal Credit: What Universal Credit is – GOV.UKA mutual financial organisation, run by its members, for its members, with a fair approach to credit assessment

Bradford District Credit Union