Medicines in School
Calpol and antihistamines are kept in school for children as required. These will only be administered with confirmation from a parent. A form is available at the school office.
If a child is fit to be in school but on medication prescribed by a doctor, staff cannot be responsible for ensuring that it is administered.
If the dose prescribed needs to be administered three times a day then immediately before and after school and before bed is appropriate. It will not need to be administered in school at lunchtime, unless specified by the Doctor on the prescribed medication.
Where pupils are on long term medication then our Administration of Medication Policy will be implemented. The Headteacher and First Aider will meet with parents to discuss procedures and the appropriate forms will be completed. It may be suggested that a parent or other responsible person comes into school to administer the dose at the appropriate time.
Children who require inhalers, and epi-pen or other emergency medication to be stored in school, should be able to administer these themselves with supervision as required. The medication should be kept in a box with the child’s name and class clearly marked and given to the class teacher.
Our Administration of Medication Policy
Our Medical Permission Forms
Calpol Permisision form
download_for_offlineCalpol Permisision form
- Piriton Permisision form download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePiriton Permisision form
- Piriton Permisision form download_for_offline