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The Academy at St James

The School Day

The school year is divided into 3 terms, Autumn, Spring and Summer, and each term is divided by a half-term break. There are 190 school days for the children each year.

School Hours

  Start Break Lunch End of Day
Foundation Stage 8:45am Free Play Provision 11:45am - 12:30pm 3:15pm
Year One 8:45am 10:15am - 10:30am 12:10pm - 12:55pm 3:15pm
Year Two 8:45am 10:15am - 10:30am 12:15pm - 1:00pm 3:15pm
Year Three - Six 8:45am 10:30am - 10:45am 12:30pm - 1:15pm 3:15pm

School Registration

The class registers are marked at 8.45am and 12.45pm, so punctuality is essential.  Children are marked late after 8.55am and 12.55pm.  Our registers are checked daily for lateness and irregular attendance.  Children should not arrive at school before 8.40am as we are unable to provide supervision in the playground before the start of the school day.

From September 2022, the Government requires all schools to publish their compulsory total weekly school hours on their website.

At the Academy at St James, the compulsory time pupils are expected to spend in school from Reception – Year 6 is 32.5 hours per week.

These hours do not include the before and after school clubs.

Late Collections

If you fail to collect your child at the end of the school day, the late collection policy will be implemented.

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