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The Academy at St James


Financial Benchmarking

Please click our link to view our Financial Benchmarking.
Financial Benchmarking

Pupil Premium

Schools receive additional funding called Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) for any pupils in the following groups:

  • They have been eligible for free school meals during the previous six years

  • Currently looked after by a Local Authority | In care.

  • Previously looked after by a Local Authority | In care.

  • A parent serves in the armed forces.

Schools are permitted to spend this funding however they deem appropriate, although the school is accountable when supporting low income families. The Academy at St James works relentlessly to support every child effectively, enabling them to reach their full potential and accelerate pupil progress.

Free School Meals – Why it’s important to claim!

Please apply for free school meals if you believe you are eligible as soon as your child starts school, as the additional funding (PPG) is increasing and will help support your child’s education.
Apply for free school meals

You can apply for school meals if you receive:

  • Income Support 

  • Income Based Jobseekers Allowance 

  • Income Related Employment and Support Allowance 

  • Child Tax Credit with an annual income of less than £16,190, provided they are not receiving Working Tax Credit 

  • the ‘Guaranteed’ element of the State Pension Credit 

  • Working Tax Credit run-on (paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit) 

  • Universal Credit with an annual net earned income threshold of less than £7,400

If you are an Asylum Seeker, you will need to apply directly to the school or contact the Access Team

If you require assistance in applying for free school meals please contact the school’s reception team or contact us

PE and Sports Funding Premium

PE and sport premium funding from the government is designed to help all primary schools improve the quality of the PE and sport activities they offer their pupils. Further information is available [LINK: here] (Link to Sports Premium page)


BDAT’s High Salary ReportBDAT’s Annual Report and Audited Accounts