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The Academy at St James


The Academy at St. James was inspected on Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th May 2022- our school has been rated GOOD with OUTSTANDING LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT.

Below are sections form our BDAT Press Release, we are very proud for you to read through our comments and to read our report in full The report praised every area of school, noting improvements in both the quality of education being delivered and the strength of the leadership and management of the Academy. All other areas within the school remained strongly good, with inspectors commenting on the passion, pride and enthusiasm of staff and students.

This strong OFSTED inspection is another massive step forward for the Academy at St James. The school was in given a special measures judgement in 2017 and has been transformed in the last 5 years to become the happy and successful school inspectors visited in 2022.

Leaders and staff are proud of the school. They are focused on creating an exciting and stimulating education for all. Leaders realise the importance of providing clear direction”.

Subject leader were described as “passionate and enthusiastic” and governors were credited for being “extremely knowledgeable and for knowing the school well”. 

The improved OFSTED was clearly a team effort and cause for celebration for staff and students alike.

The Academy at St. James was previously inspected on Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th November 2019.

OFSTED report and Inspector letter

We are very proud for you to read the letter on the link below from Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector and the full OFSTED report.

OFSTED Inspection letter - 20.12.2019

OFSTED Report- The Academy At St. James

Highlights from the OFSTED report

Leaders have made sure that the school has improved at a rapid rate since becoming an academy. Pupils' behaviour has improved considerably. Pupils said that staff take good care of them.


Staff have increased pupils' interest in learning and eagerness to be at school every day. Subjects are brought to life by practical and purposeful experiences. This is sparking pupils' intrigue in the world around them. A range of events, such as the firework display for bonfire night, brings pupils, parents and staff together as a harmonious community. Pupils are responding very positively to the changes. They want to come to school every day so they don't miss out.


Leaders have made the teaching of reading their top priority. A new program for teaching phonics from the start of Reception is helping many more pupils to read with accuracy at an earlier stage. Leaders make sure that staff have been trained to use the program effectively. Staff give pupils plenty of practice during each session with their sharply focused activity choices.


The new reading curriculum gives pupils access to high quality texts. This is broadening pupils' vocabulary and their awareness of significant authors. Staff support all pupils well, including those with SEND and are involved in whole class reading sessions.


Pupils' personal development is catered for well. Pupils told us about the school's values. Understanding these is helping them to be tolerant and treat others with respect. The changes to the curriculum are making pupils take greater interest in their learning and responsibility for their actions. This has improved pupils attendance and transformed their behaviour. Staff have created a safe and calm culture. Pupils respond well and have very positive attitudes to school. Pupils with particular needs receive specific support to help them.


Following a turbulent period in the school's staffing, the trust has now secured a stable and committed team. Leaders are ambitious about pupils' achievement. Pupil's behaviour has been transformed and important improvements are being made to pupils' achievement. There has been a strong focus on improving pupils' attainment in reading, writing and mathematics. At the same time, leaders have made sure that pupils access a broad curriculum. There has been success in improving the standards pupils achieve in English and mathematics.