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The Academy at St James

Early years

The goal of early education should be to activate the child's natural desire to learn - Maria Montessori

Our Vision

2s curriculum goals.pdf

nursery curriculum goals.pdf

reception curriculum goals.pdf

 Curriculum Intent

eyfs intent and implementation.pdf

 Our Subject Overview

eyfs curriculum overview.pdf

 Our Phonics and Reading Scheme

At the Academy St James we use Read Write Inc to teach phonics.

Read Write Inc. Phonics is a complete literacy program, for 4 to 7 year-olds learning to read and write. Read, Write Inc meets 100% of the DfE criteria for teaching systematic synthetic phonics and helps children succeed in their screening check to boot!

Program progression:

In Nursery all children:

  • Learn the first 30 sounds in short daily sessions.

In Reception all children:

  • Read storybooks and non-fiction books closely matched to their developing phonic knowledge
  • Take home phonics storybooks to share (red dittie books)
  • Read with fluency and expression
  • Learn to spell using known sounds
  • Write confidently by practising what they want to write out loud first
  • Work well with a partner.

In Year 1:

  • Have a 30 minute daily phonics lesson that is carefully match to their needs.
  • Take home phonics storybooks to share (green, purple, pink or orange)
  • Are accurate and speedy readers
  • 3 lessons every week dedicated to spelling.

In  Year 2

  • Have a 30 minute daily phonics lesson that is carefully match to their needs.
  • Take home phonics storybooks to share (yellow, blue or grey)
  • Move on to a book band reading system ready for Key Stage 2
  • Children will have the phonic knowledge to read and spell words fluently enough to enable them to understand what they have read and be understood in writing.
  • 3 lessons every week dedicated to spelling

finding out about phonics workshop.pdf


Our Early Years Gallery


 Further Resources


BBC 500 Words Waterstones Laureate 2022-24