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The Academy at St James

Learning at Home

We very much welcome and support the involvement of parents, for there is a great deal which they can do at home to support the development of their child’s full potential by showing an interest and active participation in their school work.

There will be homework every week – English, Maths and spelling.  Class teachers will inform you each half term by class newsletters.

Our aims and approach are both realistic and sensible.  As in all areas of school life, it is essential that parents and school are clear about what is to be achieved and are mutually supportive.

As part of our ongoing development we have worked with a homework expert to improve the way we set homework.

Each week your child should receive timetables and spelling homework.

In addition teachers will set homework to individuals or groups of learners as they see fit.  Every school holiday, teachers will set ‘research and present’ homework to children.  Each child will bring home a question or theme to research. They should then present their research however they feel is appropriate for them.  This could be a poster, model, a piece of writing, poem or in any other form.  The best examples of homework from each class will be displayed in school and may be celebrated in assembly. I am sure that you will support your child, but remember that this should be child led.

Our Home Reading Booklet

our families reading booklet.pdf

 Remote Learning Plan

asj remote learning plan.pdf

 Remote Learning Policy

Policies Page