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The Academy at St James

Year 5

Hello and welcome to Year 5!

Our class is called Creative Canada and our teacher is Miss Rosenberg. 

Our class is made up of unique people that are from different backgrounds that we all celebrate and accept. We recently used The Crayon Box to create our class community display.

We are a box of crayons,
Each of one us unique,
But when we get together,
Our class is complete!

Autumn Term

Our learning journey for this term will help us to learn about Antarctica. We will be using the explorer Ernest Shackleton to learn more about the continent and the geography of the continent. We will then move on to learn about the Ancient Greeks and have a history focus on Sparta and Athens. Please see our curriculum overview below to find out more:

On our hook day, we kick started our ‘Only The Brave’ focus. We completed Bush Tucker Trials, conquered the spider mountain and created our own artwork based on Antarctica.

We also had a visit from Hand2Mouth who took the children through a spiritual journey. They took time to reflect on their own in a quiet space and complete activities that made them think carefully about spirituality.