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The Academy at St James

Year 5

Hello and welcome to Year 5!

Our class is called Productive Portugal and our teacher is Miss Rosenberg. 

Our class is made up of unique people that are from different backgrounds that we all celebrate and accept. We recently used The Crayon Box to create our class community display.

We are a box of crayons,
Each of one us unique,
But when we get together,
Our class is complete!

Autumn Term

We have made a fantastic start to the year and held our 'Dragon's Den' event for our Autumn 1 Hook Day. For this, we had to research, design, make and pitch our own chocolate bars to our head of governors! The reason we were creating our own chocolate is because we are starting off the year by studying the time period of the Ancient Maya Civilization. This civilization were known for trading the cacao plant and were responsible for using chocolate in drinks - like we do today! 

Productive Portugal - Hook Day 2024