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The Academy at St James


Mathematics is not about numbers, equations, computations or algorithms: it is about understanding.

- William Paul Thurston

At The Academy at St James, we are committed to providing children with a Mathematics curriculum helping them to become numerate, independent, inquisitive, enquiring, and confident problem solvers. We provide them with a variety of experiences and a stimulating environment to develop their Mathematical skills, whilst developing a love of learning.

The teaching and learning of Mathematics at our school involves the use of concrete materials, pictorial representations, and abstract calculations; children are encouraged to use reasoning to make links between them all, and to explain how they have worked things out.

The school prides itself on children having access to high quality, daily morning math's work which concentrates on developing mental arithmetic skills; it also revisits key knowledge and skills helping the children to develop their long term memory and rapid recall.

Our Intent

maths intent.pdf

Watch our Video's

Autumn 2024-25


 Summer 2023-24


 Spring 2023-24


 Long Term Plan

maths long term plan.pdf

Subject Progression

progression in calculation.docx

maths mental progression.pdf

 Our Maths Gallery

Our Math's Gallery

Further Resources


BBC Bitesize Logo Sumdog logo

ASJ Learning Guide