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The Academy at St James


Please visit our school's Facebook page to see the exciting things happening in school.

Applications for Reception

Applications for Reception places are made through the Bradford Council Admissions process. Please apply for a place at our school through Bradford Council's Admissions website. 

Children who attend the Nursery provision at The Academy at St. James will not receive an automatic place in reception and must apply through the Local Authority as normal. An additional supplementary information form MUST also be completed for those applying for a school place within the Faith Proportion. The supplementary information form must be returned to the school office.

If you would like to arrange a visit to our school, we would be happy to show you around.

Our School’s Admissions Policy is available on the BDAT website. 

Admissions Process for BDAT Academies - Bradford Diocesan Academies Trust (bdat-academies.org)

Admission Arrangements for 2+ provision and Nursery

Places for our Nursery are allocated by our school's admissions team. To register your interest for a place in our Nursery, please contact the school reception for an application pack.

Tel: 01274 777095

email: office@stjames.bdat-academies.org

In year transfers

When a parent requests a change of school, wherever possible this should be done at the start of a school term thus avoiding disruption to the teaching program.

In year applications for any year group throughout the school year are dealt with by the Local Authority. Please visit Bradford Council's website for further information.

In-year applications | Bradford Council

Special Educational Needs

All children with a statement of special educational needs or Educational Health & Care Plan that names The Academy at St. James will be admitted if places are available.


Please refer to Make an appeal | Bradford Council for information regarding appeals.