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The Academy at St James

Our Vision and Values

Our vision is…

Aspire to do our best
Achieve our dreams
Believe in ourselves

Aspire to do our best (a little more difficult)
2 Corinthians 5:9 “We aspire to please him in all that we do.” 

Achieve our Dreams
Proverbs 16:3 “Commit to the Lord and He will establish your dreams.”

Believe in yourself –
Mark 9:23 Jesus said, “Everything is possible for those who believe.”

St James is a welcoming Church of England Primary School where the appreciation of everyone is encouraged and attitudes of tolerance, care, concern and self-respect are developed in a happy, safe and secure environment.

Statement of Aims

At The Academy at St. James we aim to:

  • Create an inviting, stimulating environment which allows both children and adults to develop to their full capacity regardless of race, gender, disability or special educational needs.
  • Give high priority to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all the children.
  • Ensure that all children are safe from bullying, discrimination and maltreatment.
  • Provide a full and rounded curriculum matched to the needs and abilities of individual children covering the Early Years Foundation Stage, National Curriculum, which prepares pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.
  • Ensure that pupils develop and achieve the highest possible standards within the Early Years Foundation Stage, National Curriculum, basic skills and the wider school curriculum.
  • Inspire pupils’ creativity, enjoyment and a commitment to learning that will last a lifetime.
  • Develop physical skills and encourage children to recognise the importance of pursuing a healthy lifestyle and keeping themselves and others safe.
  • Develop efficient systems for monitoring and recording each child’s progress and attainment.
  • Promote pupils’ self esteem and well being and develop a respect for others in order to ensure that all participants are able to contribute, feel valued and work to maintain high standards.
  • Welcome and encourage parents to take part in all aspects of school life and an active part in their own child’s education.
  • Be an integral part of the local community in order that participants can appreciate the work of the school and its development.
  • Provide a broad and balanced R.E. curriculum.
  • Support British Values.