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The Academy at St James


Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth - Pharrell Williams

At the Academy at St James, we have created our PSHE curriculum using the PSHE Association. Using this scheme, we have designed a well sequenced spiral curriculum which gives children the opportunity to build on their prior learning and knowledge as they progress through school.

This is divided into the following topics:

  • Relationships
  • Health and Wellbeing
    • Living in the Wider World

Through these topics we are developing our children’s understanding of the world around them and helping them to become well-rounded, kind and resilient individuals.

Throughout the year we also focus on a number of safeguarding themes including:

  • Anti bullying
  • Mental Health Awareness
  • Hate crimes
  • E safety weeks with constant reminders weekly through collective worships
  • Drug awareness
  • Online safety
  • Extremism and radicalization (year 5 & 6)

Our Vision

pshe vison.pdf

  Our Intent

pshe intent.pdf


Watch our videos

Autumn 2024-25


Summer 2023-24


Spring 2023-24




 Subject Overview 


primary programme builder pshe.pdf

 Subject Progression

pshe subject progression.pdf


Our Subject Policies

Online Safety Policy 

Relationship Education Policy 

PSHE Curriculum Policy 


Our PSHE Gallery


 Further Resources

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