The governors of the school expect and appreciate full parental support and co-operation regarding school uniform.
School uniform creates a neat personal appearance, a sense of pride and belonging, which together promotes an image of the school that is recognised and respected within the school community. The Academy at St James prides itself with helping Parents and Children source their uniform, which is reflected in one of values ‘Show you care’.
We hold a second hand uniform shop here in school numerous times throughout a year and this is advertised around school and on Class Dojo. We have donated uniform from children within our school and we then collect it, wash it and re-stock our clothes shop.
With the cost of living crisis, our uniform policy is designed to be sourced from places such as supermarkets and The Uniform Shop in Bradford.
Early Years / KS1
- Pale blue polo shirt
- Maroon V neck sweatshirt or cardigan with logo
- Grey trousers or grey skirt
- Maroon book bag - Small
- Black shoes
- Pale blue polo shirt
- Maroon V neck sweatshirt or cardigan with logo
- Grey trousers or grey skirt
- School tie
- Maroon book bag - Large
- Black shoes
Year 6 only
- Black blazer with the school logo.
- Pale blue shirt
- School tie
- Black trousers or black skirt
- Maroon book bag - Large
- Black shoes

Summer Term only
- Blue and white checked dress
- Grey shorts
- Black shorts - year 6 only
- Black shoes
PE kit
- Pale blue round neck t-shirt
- Black shorts
- Maroon drawstring bag
- Plain black pumps
For the safety of all children no jewellery of any kind can be worn during a PE lesson. Envelopes/bags will be provided for the items to be placed in and will be stored until the end of the lesson. Children are responsible for removing their own jewellery, school accept no responsibility for any jewellery brought into school.
All children should be equipped with a towel
Girls – a one piece swimming costume and a swimming hat
Boys – swimming trunks or swimming shorts, well above the knee must be worn – lose fitting Bermuda beach shorts are not suitable as they impede swimming development.
Children must not bring toys (fidget spinners, any gadgets, watches or other small toys) into school.
Occasionally a small item in connection with their work will be permitted. The wearing of jewellery such as rings, bracelets and necklaces is not permitted (except for religious reasons). The school cannot accept responsibility for any such items that are lost or damaged.
The wearing of earrings is strongly discouraged, our main concern is the possibility of accidents especially at playtime. If you insist on your child wearing earrings during school time, only small, plain stud types are allowed in the lobe of the ear. Body piercing other than one pair of earrings or for cultural reasons is not permitted.
If you plan on having your child’s ears pierced, please do so at the beginning of the summer holidays (the education authorities will not accept a 12 lesson absence). Your child also needs to be able to remove their earrings’ by themselves; if they cannot do this then they should not have them done. We are not allowed to cover with plasters or tape.
Nail varnish must not be worn in school.