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The Academy at St James

Child Friendly Support

Support for Children

If you are concerned about a friend or you would like to find advice to support yourself – please follow the links below:


ThinkUKnow has age specific advice for children aged 4 through to teenagers about online safety.

Own It | BBC

Own It is the BBC’s dedicated site for helping young people boss their life online.

Childline We understand how difficult it is for children to talk about abuse. Whether it’s happening now or happened in the past, Childline can be contacted 24/7.

Contact Childline on 0800 1111 Calls are free and confidential.


Childline has lots of helpful advice on their website:

Bullying and Cyberbullying | Childline

Bullying on social media | Childline

Building confidence and Self-Esteem | Childline

Emotional abuse | Childline

Sexual abuse | Childline

Report and Remove Images and videos | Childline

Further Support

CEOP - Child Exploitation and Online Protection 

Keeping children safe | NSPCC

Safeguarding Resource Hub