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The Academy at St James

Online Safety

Tell an adult if you see something on the internet that makes you feel worried or sad.

Online safety tips for children

Keeping children safe online

Today technology plays a humongous role in our everyday lives for adults as well as our children. Technology is on a fast paced journey which is continually evolving and upgrading. 

We need up to date knowledge enabling us to protect our children from harm and have the resources to teach them how to use technology in a safe manner.

Technologies that children have access to today is extensive;

  • The internet
  • App’s
  • Gaming devices such as Xbox Live
  • TikTok
  • Youtube
  • Social media channels such as Snapchat, Facebook etc.

Are you in control?

It is vital that parental controls are in place in order to protect our children. These enable you to restrict the settings of devices, the internet, Smart TV’s, APP’s and games.

Information on how to set parental controls can be found through the links below:

NSPCC Parental controls

Parental controls | CEOP

Keeping your under 5 year old safe online | CEOP


Parental controls | Internet matters

Downloadable guides

Free downloadable guides are available detailing turning on parental controls for all areas of technology. 

Gaming controls and platforms

Social Media

Broadband and mobile networks

Entertainment and search engines

Smartphones and other devices

Safety online checklist | Internet matters    

Finding current information

Keeping children safe online | NSPCC

The latest information for many social networks, apps and games is available through the NSPCC. It gives a valuable description of what our children are using; provides official age ratings, risk factors and top tips on how to minimise risks.  

Educational Guides | National College

The National Online Safety website has many useful, easy accessible  parental guides that can provide you with vital information about the technology that our children are using.

Below are a selection of some of these parental guides.

AGE 18+

Call of Duty

Grand Theft Auto

AGE 16+

Apex LegendsLikee



AGE 13+




House Party









AGE 12+


 AGE 7+


 AGE 4+

Youtube kids

AGE 3+


 Further Information

Live streaming

Nintendo Switch

Age ratings

Virtual Reality

How to talk to children about online safety? 

7 Conversation Topics | National online safety

The NSPCC website has lots of tips and advice on how to start a conversation with children about online safety. The NSPCC website also provides advice on the following:


Internet Matters is committed to supporting families online.  Here you can find age specific advice to support you and your child no matter of their age.                                                                     

Age 0-5 years Video Safety Guide
Age 6-10 years Video Safety Guide
Age 11-13 years Video Safety Guide
14+ years Video Safety Guide

Thinknknow have created simple activities that you can do at home with your children. Please click on the age that is appropriate to you to be taken to the activity. As parents you can find out even more valuable information from their website. Click on age that you require to be taken to the activity.

Support from school

We are here to help! If you have any worries or concerns regarding your child’s Online-Safety please contact a member of our Safeguarding Team.

Our policy

To view our Online-Safety Policy Policies page