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Links With St James’ Church Thornton

Links with St James’ Church

Please follow this link to visit the website of St. James’ Church in Thornton.

We are a church school and the church we are linked to is St James’ Church in Thornton. Different people from St James’ Church come to visit us and talk to us in assembly. The choir comes to sing with us and we like it because it makes singing more fun and brings us all together.

Some of us sang in the choir at Bradford Cathedral for a special carol concert at Christmas Time. It was a bit scary to remember all the words and the actions we had to do. Some people had to make sure they were stood in certain places which made them feel a bit nervous but luckily we pulled it off!

Every year our choir also sings at St James’ Church to start their Christmas Fair.

Each class has their own religious display, these are some of them:

In Year 6 we made our own prayer book that has lots of prayers that we can then say before lunchtime or at the end of the school day.

We have lots of bibles and bible stories that we can read and there are simpler versions for younger children in school.

Not everyone in our school are Christians. We learn about all religions and how they are similar and different to Christianity. It helps us to understand other people’s beliefs and traditions.

The Academy at St James - Aspire, Achieve, Believe
