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Pupil Support and Guidance

  • At The Academy at St James we aim to hold the needs of pupils and parents at the heart of our decision-making. Ensuring high quality individual education provision that is carefully planned around the specific needs of each pupil.
  • Our Individual Learner Passports put a high emphasis on understanding and addressing pupils’ wider needs, thus resulting in a more personalised approach.
  • Children with My Support Plans (MSP) or Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP) are supported to ensure that their individual needs are met.
  • We strongly believe in working in partnership with parents.
  • We have an experienced and highly motivated staff team which comprises; class teachers, classroom support and pastoral team.

Please see this leaflet for more information on how we support children with SEND needs at our school.

Who is Responsible for SEND Provision?

All St James’ staff are involved in and committed to providing education and support for SEND pupils in some way.  The class teacher has general day to day responsibility for your child.  This is then co-ordinated with the Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCO) ensuring that academic, social and emotional support is provided should your child require it. Your child will be given time to communicate and discuss issues that are worrying them and proactive plans to support development will be put in place.  Differentiated work may be provided in lessons and staff will provide a style of support which promotes independence.  Pupils with an Educational Health Care Plan are supported by the class teacher and where appropriate, designated staff members will be identified.

All staff in school follow the school’s Graduated approach pathway to ensure that all children get the support that they need.  You may also find these documents useful when reading this flow chart – Bradford Matrix of Need and the Graduated Pathway