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Welcome to Science at The Academy at St James! 

Thank you for visiting our Science page! We hope you enjoy looking at our videos, finding out about our Science Curriculum offer and all the other fun science events and achievements we have had at St James.

Our latest learning – Spring Term 23-24


Autumn Term 23-24:

Click here to see videos of our learning from previous years 


Science vision

At St James, we firmly believe that Science is essential to our learning. Our Science intent is to provide children with the opportunity to understand the world around them whilst thinking in a ‘scientific way’.




We have created a curriculum that builds on prior learning and enquiry skills throughout the different year groups. Take a look at our Long Term Plan:


New Science-Long-term-plan-2022-23

New Science-Long-term-plan-2022-23


Our Science Overview gives more information on what will be covered.




2022-23 Science Policy 2022-23 Science Policy




Some recent successes in Science…

Venturists- The Business of Science Innovation Award

On Thursday 18th May our Venturists went to Leeds for a national science awards presentation.
Zeke and Arifa had worked on a 10 week project supporting the local community and this had been linked to use recycling to make a greenhouse.
They had worked together, presented to local businesses and then had been shortlisted for a national primary award- The Business of Science Innovation Award.
There were businesses from all over the country there and we WON!!!!!!
We are really proud of the work they have done and are over the moon for them. They received £1000 and a trophy for their success.
A special thank you to Jilly from Participate who has made this happen.
If you would like to find out more about the Venturists, please click below:


Many children show great enthusiasm, interest and enjoyment in their science lessons. Below are some pictures to highlight the wonderful experiences they have been provided with.



Useful websites for research or work at home:

Oak Academy: https://classroom.the

Home Activities provided by STEM: