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Week 4

Week 4- The Naughty Bus continued…



Shape Song

Naughty bus YouTube story

Shape sorting activity

Dough Disco

Naughty bus PDF story

Road safety PDF

Playdough recipe


Please click on each day to enlarge the image. To download this weeks challenges as a PDF please click here


Words of the day:

Monday- deep

Definition- far down/into

Example-The pond was very deep


Tuesday- shiny

Definition- a surface which reflects light

Example-The Naughty bus was very shiny

Wednesday- grateful

Definition-  thankful

Example-The Naughty bus was grateful to Rescue Truck for rescuing him from the pond

Thursday- caution

Definition- care taken to avoid danger

Example-  The Naughty Bus will show caution when going in the garden

Friday- favourite

Definition-  Liked the most over all of the others

Example- The Naughty Bus was the boys favourite toy


Please share all of your working with us on Class Dojo or alternatively email Miss Smith at

The Academy at St James - Aspire, Achieve, Believe
