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Thank you for visiting our Geography page, watch below to see all the great things we have been learning about!

Spring term-2024


Autumn term- 2023






We are pleased to announce that we have been able to achieve the Bronze Primary Geography Quality Mark. This is due to the hard work of all staff when implementing the geography curriculum from Early Years to Year 6, whilst continuously building on skills and knowledge through the years.

Please click on this link The Academy at St James’ Geography Quality Mark Bronze application 2019-2020 to look at parts of our application and enjoy looking at all the wonderful geography which we have learnt so far!


Our geography lead was also asked to present for Digimaps and how we have successfully used Digimaps to support the learning of our children.  The presentation is on Youtube and you can access the video by using the link below.



Geography vision at The Academy at St James


geography vision



Geography subject intent: 

Geography Intent 2021


Long Term plan: 

This document shows the geography knowledge which is being taught in our themes of learning.  We begin each unit of geography work with an over arching question which then provides the basis of our geography lessons.

Long term plan


Subject overview: 

Please click on the following links which will direct you to our geography overviews from Year 1- Year 6.  This is where progression in skills and knowledge can be seen clearly and how they are built on from year to year.

Key Stage 1 

Lower Key Stage

Upper Key stage 2 

Skills progression:

Please click on the following link which will take you to the skills progression document.

ASJ Geography Skills Progressione

Skills progression document 

Here are some pictures showing the wonderful geography we do at The Academy at St James!

Pupil voice: 


Please find the following links to support your Geography learning at home:




The Academy at St James - Aspire, Achieve, Believe
